Case Studies

An ethnic minority in country X is becoming more and more active towards secession and self-determination. With the help of IDM Consulting, the country may develop novel integration policies in order to incorporate the minority and convince its population that staying within the status quo is better than breaking away.
A political party in country A wants to increase its electoral base and achieve the best result in the upcoming elections. IDM Consulting will redesign and reformulate their political message, to adhere to specific identity traits of the potential electorate, and craft a strategic communication campaign. The goal is for the voters to identify with the political message of the party and actively support it with their vote.

Country Z is developing new legislation to promote secularism and the separation of state and religion. Members of a specific religion react that this encroaches upon their freedom of expression rights. IDM Consulting may assist the state to draw the line between freedom of expression and secularism in a given context, taking into account the considerations of the religious community as well as of all those affected
Country Y is updating its citizenship and naturalization laws and procedures to reflect contemporary realities and challenges. IDM Consulting may provide expert advise and guidance on citizenship legislation, naturalization exams, training and preparation of applicants as well as of civil servants, and integration policies and practices.

A significant refugee population has arrived and will settle in the area X. The local authorities are concerned over the long-term implications of this for their city and area, with regards to social cohesion, economic development and cultural orientation. IDM Consulting may provide a comprehensive plan for the integration of the newcomers to the host city, cultivating acceptance, tolerance and respect to both the local and the incoming populations, taking into account cultural sensitivities, economic prospects and social stability and cohesion.
Country X is the recipient of diverse immigrant populations that surpass the number of locals. Authorities are concerned over the long-term impact of this discrepancy on the identity of the country on an ethno-cultural level. With the expert guidance of IDM Consulting, the country can develop a strategy for the preservation of their distinctive ethno-cultural identity and the mechanisms for its preservation, respecting at the same time the background of the immigrant populations. The aim here is the incorporation of the immigrants to the host country, as well as the perpetuation of the country’s idiosyncrasy and identity.

A linguistic minority in country Z is worried seeing its language fading in favour of the language of the dominant group. IDM Consulting can help with the design of specific policies and measures for the preservation of the language and consequently, of the identity of the group.
International Standards
An international organization is developing new standards with regards to the integration of religious minorities for its member states. IDM Consulting may provide invaluable assistance in establishing a guiding framework, initiating a multi-actor process of engagement that would foster a sense of belonging of the minorities to their states, thus promoting integration and safeguarding social cohesion.